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모조리 암기한 영어로


영어 번역mobile phone모바일

  • rote
  • 모조리    모조리 all; without exception; to the very
  • 모조리    모조리 all; without exception; to the very last; wholly; altogether; thoroughly; completely. ~ 가져가다 take away everything (one can lay hands on). ~ 검거하다 make a wholesale arrest . ~ 털어놓다 make a clean bre
  • 무턱대고 암기한    rote
  • 모조리 먹어 치우다    demolish
  • 모조리 자백하다    own up
  • 에서 물고기를 모조리 잡다    fish out
  • 암기    암기 [暗記] learning by heart; memorizing; memory work. 영어 단어 ~법 how to learn[memorize] English words. ~를 잘하다 excel in memory work. 그는 ~ 과목을 잘한다 He is good at memory work[subjects which require memoriza
  • 모조    모조 [模造] [모방하여 만듦] imitation. ~의 imitation / counterfeit / faked(-up) / sham / artificial(인조의). ~하다 imitate; copy ; reproduce ; counterfeit; fake.▷ 모조 가죽 imitation[artificial] leather.▷ 모조금 imitation
  • 기한    기한 [期限] a period; a time limit; a term; a deadline; time; 『法』 limitation(법률의 효력 등의). 예정 ~ the target date. 유효 ~ the term of validity. ~부의[로] with a time limit (fixed) / with a deadline. ~전에 before
  • 조리    조리 ☞ 저리조리 [¿] [쌀을 이는 기구] a (bamboo) strainer; a meshwork ladle.▷ 조리 자지 a person who urinates[leaks] too often.조리 [條理] logical sequence; logic; reason. ~가 있는[닿는] reasonable / logical / consistent. ~가
  • 쇄암기    쇄암기 [碎岩機] a stone crusher.
  • 암기력    암기력 [暗記力] (one's powers of) memory; retentive power. ~이 좋다[나쁘다] have a good[bad / poor] memory / be strong[weak] in memory.
  • 암기로    by heart
  • 착암기    착암기 [鑿岩機] 『鑛』 a rock drill; a jackhammer(손에 드는).
  • 발암기생충    Carcinogenic parasite
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